Preparing for WODs

27 Sep 2021

For Invoice 1 WOD, the task was to create an invoice receipt for five personal hygiene products purchased at a store. The resulting invoice would be a chart that displayed the product name, quantity purchased unit price, and total price. Each item would have a row dedicated to showing its purchase information. The last three rows of the invoice table would include the sub-total, tax, and total for all products purchased. The table would be created using HTML and Javascript. Detailed instructions can be found here.

Invoice 1 was a relatively simple WOD. Completing Lab 6 was especially helpful in understanding and planning Invoice 1. The task that took the longest was figuring out how to create a string template for the HTML table structure using the ‘document.write()’ function. I found it helpful to use backticks ( ` ` ) instead of quotation marks ( “ “ ) to enclose the HTML within the document.write() function. I also recognized how time-consuming it was to rename each variable after duplicating a template variable for the first product. Each unique variable needs to be created for each product, price, total, and extended price. Manually changing each variable can increase the chances of making a mistake.

Before recording an attempt for a WOD, I read through the instructions and make sure that I can comprehend what the task requires me to do. Once I understand what the final product is supposed to look like, I create a rough outline of the program and see if my expected completion method will work. Once I have created a rough program outline and verified that it works, I prepare to record my screen, clear the code editor, and make the project entirely.

The most helpful way to prepare for the WOD is to review the code from the most recent lab since the structure and syntax you learn from the current lab will most likely be utilized and implemented on the recent WOD. Reviewing code from previous Labs and WODs is a process that I continually use to prepare myself before each new WOD.